Saturday, June 20, 2009

Stroke Of Luck!

Well I am pretty darn excited right now! Why, you ask? Let me tell you a little story....

This happened roughly an hour or so ago just in case you were wondering the time frame. I had just dropped Eric off at work and was driving home, flipping through the radio stations trying to find a decent song to listen to. Well, we have a rock station here that always seems to be giving freebies away (Yes, same radio station where Eric won free movie passes), so I left it on there for the time being, you know trying to be the responsible driver and all.

WELL...the DJ comes on the air and says something along the lines as 'We have midnight movie passes to give away for Transformers 2. Be caller number 10'. Now remember, I am currently driving and I would never suggest someone following what I did, which is search frantically for the phone, try and dial the number, and basically forget you are behind the wheel. Do NOT do that, ever! Okay? Okay...

SO, I call the number and it rings. Busy. I call the number again. Busy. I call the number again...

AND I WON the tickets!! I was actually caller number 10! I was so nervous but I knew he wouldn't put me on the air because anyone could go into the theater and say you're 'that' person who won. So, I was not as nervous as I could have been!

BUT I WON! I mean, that's awesome! Now, granted I don't try and try and try to win things but I have tried before and never won anything...So, out of anything for me to actually win....I win free tickets to see Transformers 2 starring my one and only, Shia Labeouf! Fate, destiny, whatever you want to call it was definitely on my side! No question about it! I mean, Shia must have been sending me his good energy or something...Haha, but no seriously, it's pretty cool, right? Out of all the movies, out of all the times we've tried...I win this one all by myself!

Yes, Shia was on my side!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Celebrate Good Times!

I happened to reach a milestone over the past weekend and I believe it is a time for celebration!

I have written the first 50,000 words in my first novel!

That's right! I hear your applause and I thank you so much! I really am thrilled and tickled by this accomplishment! I can not even begin to tell you how good a feeling it it is one of the best feelings in the world!

It is by no means a cocky exclamation but I am very proud and I would have to say this is the proudest I've been of anything I have ever done in my life. My novel is, in my opinion, my greatest accomplishment to date.

For me, nothing gives me more satisfaction and joy then when I am writing. I hope one day I can be called a published author, but for now, I'm perfectly happy falling in love with words and helping my characters tell their story. A day filled with writing is a day filled with the greatest love.

And for the first time I actually can see the end...Oh, it's still miles away, trust me, but I can sort of see the path it's heading and it honestly gives me the 'butterflies in stomach' feeling and 'roller coaster drop' feeling. I just feel plain AWESOME!

Well, I wanted to update everyone on my story status and for the few people who are kind enough to be my 'readers' and to give me their thoughts and ideas, I truly, with all my heart appreciate you so very much! I hope you know how much it means to me and keeps me inspired and assured I'm not a complete bonehead. I hope you would tell me if you think I suck, and you have yet to do that, so maybe this means I'm on the right track. I value your opinions so by all means, keep them coming!

Love you ALL. As always, thanks for reading!


P.S. If truth be known, I am now over 60,000 words...I know, I know, I ROCK!

Friday, June 12, 2009

The Best Gift Ever!

This is a completely random post and I had no plans to sit down and blog BUT...

Let me tell you a little story that just happened in my life...

My fantastic, lovely cousin Kate asked me for my address a few weeks ago. She only told me she would be sending me something that I would need by the 24th of June, and after some thought processes I determined in my mind that it would be Shia Labeouf/Transformers 2 related, as that is when the movie is being released. Granted, I wasn't sure what I was being sent so I just held my breath...

Until tonight. Tonight I was gifted with possibly the best present ever!

I forgot to check the mail until late so I get this little brown manila envelope and I see it's from Kate. I start getting those incredible excited vibes and I cut the top off and there's this pink tissue paper wrapped item. I unwrap the pink tissue paper and there's a flower tin. I open the flower tin and there's yellow tissue paper which I unfold and...

There inside is a Shia Labeouf charm bracelet. A braclet with 18 (yes I counted) different tiny pictures of Shia all colored and shiny and perfect! I laughed so hard and so long and so ridiculously loud my sides started to hurt! This has made my freaking year! I'm amazed at the joy a simple object can bring to someone, and this simple object almost had me crying with laugher!

So, thank you Kate! Thank you very much! Even though the miles are between us, you know my heart and my desires and that involves Shia Labeouf.

Call me what you may but I love my bracelet. Eric asked me if I was going to wear it. The answer is yes people. Yes, I plan to wear my Shia Labeouf charm bracelet.

See, even Shia is excited about the news...

P.S. I swear I'm sane. I swear! Obviously you're seeing firsthand what Shia Labeouf does to me. It's not my fault.

P.S.S. Shia's birthday was yesterday...Happy Birthday Lover Boy!

P.S.S.S. I swear I'm sane. Let me have my fun!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Long Awaited Return

I know I know! I have no excuse for my horrific absent as of late! I ask for your forgiveness and never ending love and pray you haven't totally given up on me!

I will grovel, but I'd rather not...unless that amuses you and then I might reconsider being nice to you. Your choice. Up to you.

To get back in the groove of the blogging fool I am, I questioned what I should write about and I came up with movies. Who doesn't love movies? I love movies. I love movies probably on a very unhealthy obsessive level. So, I've seen some pretty good ones over the last month and I thought how fun it would be to recap them.

'Star Trek'! Oh Boy! This was truly a fantastic movie! If you haven't seen it already, shame on you!

So, I went into Star Trek really not knowing much about it. I had the regular 'Trekkie' knowledge. I mean, I could hold my own, I could follow fairly well, but certainly don't test me on it. Let's just say by the end of the movie, I was squirming with excitement and a possibly disturbing crush on Spock. Actually, all of the actors did a fantastic job and I loved every one's characters. I laughed, I cried (Yes, I cried! First scene...You know, when Kirk's father gives his life for his wife and son! Oh my Gosh! I was a wreck so shush! Don't judge!), and I just had a good time!

Let's talk about Spock for a second. The actor who plays him, Zachary Quinto, did an amazing job and I hope he's proud of portraying Spock so well. Now...I mentioned a crush....What is it? Is it the ears? The voice? The stature? Please, someone tell me! BUT, I know I am not alone in this. I have found two people who acknowledge the magic of those dang Spock ears. They must have some magnetized power in them of some sort. I asked Eric if he thought I was crazy if I said I thought Spock was hot. So, he thinks I'm crazy! Anyways, when I walked out of the theater I was doing the 'Live Long and Prosper' hand sign for the whole ride home. And the next day. And the next. It takes practice, it really does. My fingers did not want to move the way I wanted them too so the first day or two I just looked really ridiculous. I'm not sure I would make Spock proud now with my portrayal but I make up for it with giddy effort and hysterical laughter.

Now we move onto 'Drag Me To Hell'!!!! Ha, now I know if you know me you're wondering what on Earth was I thinking going and seeing this movie! Trust me, I had those same thoughts...For those of you who aren't aware of this, I am the worst horror film watcher! Basically I just don't watch them. Ever! As in, maybe one in like five years. I hate this about me, I wish I had the guts but I have to admit I am a sissy and they scare me too bad. I can't help it. I really enjoy my alone time and I have a vivid imagination and well, it gets to me and I end up scaring the bejesus out of me. I try, I'm just...I'm a wuss....OK!

BUT...For some reason I really really wanted to see this movie. Well, I know the reason. I love love love Alison Lohman and she hasn't done a movie in a while and she looked so beautiful and I just had to watch it. And it was only rated PG-13. How scary could it really be? And people had said it had some humor! So, I thought I could handle it. I wanted to handle it. I wanted to be a brave girl! These were my reasons and I am so proud to say I loved it! Yes, it was jumpy and slightly creepy and I hid my eyes a few times (lots of times!) but I wasn't scared and I am perfectly fine being home alone and going in my basement alone. Yes, I'm proud and you should be too!

Two things I did not enjoy in the movie. If you haven't watched it...Spoiler alert! She killed her kitten! What the hell? I mean, really? You had to kill a little kitten??? So not cool! And two... really, she had to go to hell? She really had to be dragged to hell? There was no way to work around that? I didn't like that...she shouldn't have gone to hell. But they didn't ask my opinion so they obviously got it all wrong! But all in all I loved it. Loved it!!!

Let's see...What else? Eric won free midnight movie passes to see either 'The Hangover' or 'Land of the Lost'. We chose 'Land of the Lost' and we got free popcorn and drinks! Score! We felt very privileged and popular! It was weird going to see a movie at midnight on a work night but it was still cool, mostly because it was all free. The movie was...well, good I suppose. It was funny as only a Will Ferrell movie can be and I recommend it but I won't rave on it as I did 'Star Trek' and 'Drag Me To Hell'.

So, there, those were my intelligent, ridiculous views and I hope you enjoyed them and take them with a grain of humorous salt. I have missed you greatly! I promise, cross my heart and hope to die, more will come soon!!

P.S. On a movie note...Transformers 2 is coming SOON and I can barely breathe! Shia Labeouf!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Litte Snow Never Hurt Anyone

This morning I woke up to snow. Yes snow. I guess I shouldn't be so surprised but I still have Florida blood in my veins and seeing all 'that white stuff' on the ground in April still makes me confused.

It has all melted by now but it was a beautiful, windy scene this morning. I was standing in front of the kitchen window and we have a red berry tree off to the side (I have no idea what kind of berry tree but I love it) and there was the contrast of white on red and it was such a lovely sight. I stood there for a few minutes and just watched, awed.

Right now there are just a few flurries but the wind is out and they appear to be dancing through the air. I'm wasting time watching them swirl through the windows at work.

I think I'm finding it so beautiful because I know that soon it will all be over with and the snow won't return until winter. Still, cleaning my car off this morning wasn't that great...I have a love, hate relationship with it I guess. But really, who doesn't? After so many months of the same weather, you want a change but then when you do get the change you want what you once had.

Oh, humanity is a funny thing. Ha!

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Please Don't...Play Nice!

So, it's April Fool's Day...

I'm not crazy about this day. This day is not good to me. I am not a fan of April 1st. Luckily, most people don't remember to take advantage of this day (except when I remind them such as now...I'm awesomely stupid) so the odds are on my side. And I'm halfway through my day and nobody has 'punked' me. So...Woo...??...The day still isn't over...

If you're a little on the slow side (and I mean no offence, I'm sometimes slow too so I understand), then I'll spell it out for you why I dislike April Fool's Day. Because I'm incredibly easy to deceive! What? I am! If you want to call me naive, I suppose that's fair. I say I'm too trusting. I believe in the good of people and therefore what they say I will believe in as well. However, I'm not so naive as to fail to notice that there are many people who are just plain mean, hateful, and will take advantage of you. And hopefully I steer clear of those kinds of people. Hopefully!

Anyways, I apologize for my absent of late...I'm going to blame it on the ever popular 'writer's block'. I wanted to amaze you with witty topics and no such topics were entering my mind therefore I was silent. For my kind friends who requested more, more please, this is for you. You are seriously the best!

So, a few weeks ago I came across some earrings a customer makes. But not just any earrings. Guitar pick earrings!! Can I hear a sweet?? I mean, these are classy guitar pick earrings. All colors, all kinds, and really fantastic. Very beautiful if you can imagine. Some were incredible, and dressy, and just...I fell in love and bought three. And I have plans to purchase more. Do I have the money? No. Not at all. Do I care? No. Not at all. Should I? Eh, let's not go there.

I found another band for my story tone. Kings of Leon. Sigh. I might be in love with them. I might do a blog on them...but know they are wonderful and you should listen and love and learn. I will come to your house and force you if I must. I will do what I can. And you might not like it.'s the end of the day (yes it's taken me all day to write this, I've been busy so shush) and I've made it! I'll do a happy dance when I finish this. Or maybe not...probably not....but in my head...totally dancing!

Thanks for being patient! I love you!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Oh Queen, What You Do To Me

I was driving to work this morning and Queen's song 'Somebody to Love' came on the radio seconds after I had started the car. When alone, Queen can get me blaring my lungs like my life depends on it, so that's exactly what I did. Actually, many bands can get me like that, but right now this is a Queen story....

So, everyone knows I do have somebody to love (Aw, Eric), but towards the end of the song I surprised myself by tearing up. Actual moisture in my eyes! What the heck? It took me a moment to realize what was happening...then I had to laugh at myself...who cries at Queen songs? Oh, right...I do! Haha!

Little hopeless romantic Cacie...

But seriously, who doesn't love love? I know I'm not the only one out there!