Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Please Don't...Play Nice!

So, it's April Fool's Day...

I'm not crazy about this day. This day is not good to me. I am not a fan of April 1st. Luckily, most people don't remember to take advantage of this day (except when I remind them such as now...I'm awesomely stupid) so the odds are on my side. And I'm halfway through my day and nobody has 'punked' me. So...Woo...??...The day still isn't over...

If you're a little on the slow side (and I mean no offence, I'm sometimes slow too so I understand), then I'll spell it out for you why I dislike April Fool's Day. Because I'm incredibly easy to deceive! What? I am! If you want to call me naive, I suppose that's fair. I say I'm too trusting. I believe in the good of people and therefore what they say I will believe in as well. However, I'm not so naive as to fail to notice that there are many people who are just plain mean, hateful, and will take advantage of you. And hopefully I steer clear of those kinds of people. Hopefully!

Anyways, I apologize for my absent of late...I'm going to blame it on the ever popular 'writer's block'. I wanted to amaze you with witty topics and no such topics were entering my mind therefore I was silent. For my kind friends who requested more, more please, this is for you. You are seriously the best!

So, a few weeks ago I came across some earrings a customer makes. But not just any earrings. Guitar pick earrings!! Can I hear a sweet?? I mean, these are classy guitar pick earrings. All colors, all kinds, and really fantastic. Very beautiful if you can imagine. Some were incredible, and dressy, and just...I fell in love and bought three. And I have plans to purchase more. Do I have the money? No. Not at all. Do I care? No. Not at all. Should I? Eh, let's not go there.

I found another band for my story tone. Kings of Leon. Sigh. I might be in love with them. I might do a blog on them...but know they are wonderful and you should listen and love and learn. I will come to your house and force you if I must. I will do what I can. And you might not like it.'s the end of the day (yes it's taken me all day to write this, I've been busy so shush) and I've made it! I'll do a happy dance when I finish this. Or maybe not...probably not....but in my head...totally dancing!

Thanks for being patient! I love you!

1 comment:

  1. I hate that i've been so busy that i haven't responded to your blog! MAN i SO badly want to see your new earrings and all the other cool guitar pick options as well!

    and i loved your words on April fools haha. it's a date that i've never really liked til a couple years back when i thought... "hmm... maybe THIS will be the year that iii can actually play a trick on someone!" Ever since then, it's been fun to me! (until someone fools me and then i get mad)

    anyway! LOVE YOU! Gonna read your latest blog later. gtg!
