Friday, June 12, 2009

The Best Gift Ever!

This is a completely random post and I had no plans to sit down and blog BUT...

Let me tell you a little story that just happened in my life...

My fantastic, lovely cousin Kate asked me for my address a few weeks ago. She only told me she would be sending me something that I would need by the 24th of June, and after some thought processes I determined in my mind that it would be Shia Labeouf/Transformers 2 related, as that is when the movie is being released. Granted, I wasn't sure what I was being sent so I just held my breath...

Until tonight. Tonight I was gifted with possibly the best present ever!

I forgot to check the mail until late so I get this little brown manila envelope and I see it's from Kate. I start getting those incredible excited vibes and I cut the top off and there's this pink tissue paper wrapped item. I unwrap the pink tissue paper and there's a flower tin. I open the flower tin and there's yellow tissue paper which I unfold and...

There inside is a Shia Labeouf charm bracelet. A braclet with 18 (yes I counted) different tiny pictures of Shia all colored and shiny and perfect! I laughed so hard and so long and so ridiculously loud my sides started to hurt! This has made my freaking year! I'm amazed at the joy a simple object can bring to someone, and this simple object almost had me crying with laugher!

So, thank you Kate! Thank you very much! Even though the miles are between us, you know my heart and my desires and that involves Shia Labeouf.

Call me what you may but I love my bracelet. Eric asked me if I was going to wear it. The answer is yes people. Yes, I plan to wear my Shia Labeouf charm bracelet.

See, even Shia is excited about the news...

P.S. I swear I'm sane. I swear! Obviously you're seeing firsthand what Shia Labeouf does to me. It's not my fault.

P.S.S. Shia's birthday was yesterday...Happy Birthday Lover Boy!

P.S.S.S. I swear I'm sane. Let me have my fun!


  1. I thought it would be prefect for you. From far away it just looks like a classy Italian Charm Bracelet so you can wear it anywhere and always have Shia with you :)Love You

  2. It was perfect! And yes, it does resemble a classy Italian Charm Bracelet! Shia will always be with me, I LOVE it!

    Goodness, I pray Shia never comes across this posting... Haha! Oh my...

    Love you Kate!

  3. i am smiling so big right now i had to do one of those weird facial mouth moves to straighten my face back into place lol. i LOVE that you are so happy and I can just picture you laughing so giddily when you opened the gift! What a cool idea for her to get you! i love that.

    i miss you soooo much!!!!!!


  4. p.s. - HAHaha aha the security word they just had me type was "croidle" lol that sounds so odd it made me laugh and thought i'd share lol. What the heck is a croidle. Do i want to know?

    p.s. - here's an idea: write down all the weird words you ever have to type from those captcha things and blog about them haha. FUN!

  5. Too cute! Love you girlie!!!

    Desiree Standley McLain
