Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Long Awaited Return

I know I know! I have no excuse for my horrific absent as of late! I ask for your forgiveness and never ending love and pray you haven't totally given up on me!

I will grovel, but I'd rather not...unless that amuses you and then I might reconsider being nice to you. Your choice. Up to you.

To get back in the groove of the blogging fool I am, I questioned what I should write about and I came up with movies. Who doesn't love movies? I love movies. I love movies probably on a very unhealthy obsessive level. So, I've seen some pretty good ones over the last month and I thought how fun it would be to recap them.

'Star Trek'! Oh Boy! This was truly a fantastic movie! If you haven't seen it already, shame on you!

So, I went into Star Trek really not knowing much about it. I had the regular 'Trekkie' knowledge. I mean, I could hold my own, I could follow fairly well, but certainly don't test me on it. Let's just say by the end of the movie, I was squirming with excitement and a possibly disturbing crush on Spock. Actually, all of the actors did a fantastic job and I loved every one's characters. I laughed, I cried (Yes, I cried! First scene...You know, when Kirk's father gives his life for his wife and son! Oh my Gosh! I was a wreck so shush! Don't judge!), and I just had a good time!

Let's talk about Spock for a second. The actor who plays him, Zachary Quinto, did an amazing job and I hope he's proud of portraying Spock so well. Now...I mentioned a crush....What is it? Is it the ears? The voice? The stature? Please, someone tell me! BUT, I know I am not alone in this. I have found two people who acknowledge the magic of those dang Spock ears. They must have some magnetized power in them of some sort. I asked Eric if he thought I was crazy if I said I thought Spock was hot. So, he thinks I'm crazy! Anyways, when I walked out of the theater I was doing the 'Live Long and Prosper' hand sign for the whole ride home. And the next day. And the next. It takes practice, it really does. My fingers did not want to move the way I wanted them too so the first day or two I just looked really ridiculous. I'm not sure I would make Spock proud now with my portrayal but I make up for it with giddy effort and hysterical laughter.

Now we move onto 'Drag Me To Hell'!!!! Ha, now I know if you know me you're wondering what on Earth was I thinking going and seeing this movie! Trust me, I had those same thoughts...For those of you who aren't aware of this, I am the worst horror film watcher! Basically I just don't watch them. Ever! As in, maybe one in like five years. I hate this about me, I wish I had the guts but I have to admit I am a sissy and they scare me too bad. I can't help it. I really enjoy my alone time and I have a vivid imagination and well, it gets to me and I end up scaring the bejesus out of me. I try, I'm just...I'm a wuss....OK!

BUT...For some reason I really really wanted to see this movie. Well, I know the reason. I love love love Alison Lohman and she hasn't done a movie in a while and she looked so beautiful and I just had to watch it. And it was only rated PG-13. How scary could it really be? And people had said it had some humor! So, I thought I could handle it. I wanted to handle it. I wanted to be a brave girl! These were my reasons and I am so proud to say I loved it! Yes, it was jumpy and slightly creepy and I hid my eyes a few times (lots of times!) but I wasn't scared and I am perfectly fine being home alone and going in my basement alone. Yes, I'm proud and you should be too!

Two things I did not enjoy in the movie. If you haven't watched it...Spoiler alert! She killed her kitten! What the hell? I mean, really? You had to kill a little kitten??? So not cool! And two... really, she had to go to hell? She really had to be dragged to hell? There was no way to work around that? I didn't like that...she shouldn't have gone to hell. But they didn't ask my opinion so they obviously got it all wrong! But all in all I loved it. Loved it!!!

Let's see...What else? Eric won free midnight movie passes to see either 'The Hangover' or 'Land of the Lost'. We chose 'Land of the Lost' and we got free popcorn and drinks! Score! We felt very privileged and popular! It was weird going to see a movie at midnight on a work night but it was still cool, mostly because it was all free. The movie was...well, good I suppose. It was funny as only a Will Ferrell movie can be and I recommend it but I won't rave on it as I did 'Star Trek' and 'Drag Me To Hell'.

So, there, those were my intelligent, ridiculous views and I hope you enjoyed them and take them with a grain of humorous salt. I have missed you greatly! I promise, cross my heart and hope to die, more will come soon!!

P.S. On a movie note...Transformers 2 is coming SOON and I can barely breathe! Shia Labeouf!


  1. Yay!!!!!!!! My little writer is back! Your ability to REALLY get into a movie is a shared genetic trait. I too cried in Star Trek, opening scene and Vulcan's destruction. As the Horror Queen of the family I am very proud of you and give you a big gold star for bravery. I will also have my hankie ready for Transformers just in case, yes I cried in the first one. When they captured Bumblebee, when they were hurting Bumblebee, when Bumblebee lost his legs, and when Micheala risked her life to save Bumblebee. Yes we have a problem but at least there is two of us :) Love you!

  2. So very glad we share the same genes so I don't feel so all alone and crazy when I cry and laugh out loud at movies! Ha, we are not alone in our problem!

    And I will take that gold star for bravery with honor and pride! Thank you!

    OH MY did I tear up with all the emotional scenes involving Bumblebee appeared! I was like 'Oh good GOD, NO! Leave him alone!'. Haha, I love Bumblebee! As I know you do too...I want Bumblebee for me, and especially if he comes with Shia...BONUS!

    LOVE you too!

  3. ok SO.. LOVED reading this post as are my thoughts with every post, but WOW... i felt like i was sitting here actually watching the movies myself. I love how you describe things. You are so animated - even through your writing - and i want to go see a movie with you! I just seriously can't rave enough about your talent to write. MAN CACE! for real. stellar.

    did i just say stellar?

    also... if you are looking for some good movies to watch, LET me tell you some! - bc as you know i ADORE movies as well and would watch at least one a day if possible) so... here are my personally viewed suggestions:

    TAKEN = amazing. RENT IT! WATCH IT! LOVE IT!

    SEVEN POUNDS = amazing. tear jerker. loved it to pieces.

    DARK NIGHT = ok, so this one i'm not actually recommendddddinngggg. It's the 4th in the Batman series and I aven't even seen the first 3 which i really want to, but haven't made it around to seeing them! ok, the movie is cool to watch and you will probably fall in love with "Batman" but it's kinda... like... idk... leaves you feeling eeeerie/odd/uncomfortable/twisted/weirded out...etc. I mean it wasn't bad, but it def wasn't as good as Taken or 7lbs.

    BIDE WARS = just saw it. If you're in need of a fun and bubbly movie to watch and laugh a little, then yeah. This is cool. It's not one of my fav chick flicks, but it's still entertaining.

    CURIOUS GEORGE = i know this has been out for a little while, but Felicity and i saw it for the first time this morning and loved it. It's cute. that's it... just cute. Funny parts. and i love George and want a monkey lol. Also, i took Felicity to Toys R Us after the movie and let her pick out one toy. She picked out a stuffed monkey haha. He hung around her neck the entire Toys R Us trip. She named him "Cookie" but then we got in the car and she renamed him "Ketchup." lol Not sure which name she'll stick with but i'll BE SURE to let you know! lol

    ok that's all i'll type for now bc i just realized i could have emailed you and said all this instead of taking up your blogspace! lol


  4. p.s. - DANGIT... correction: that is "BRIDE WARS" ...NOT "BIDE" lol

