Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Going, Going, Gone!

I am one of those people who truly and honestly can not help but laugh when someone trips or falls (unless they're seriously hurt, then I can hold it in).

If I have ever laughed at your expense, I apologize but there was nothing I could do. Hopefully, you won't mind if I got a kick out of your embarrassment. But to be fair, I'll offer up a story of my own doing. As embarrassing as it was, I still can laugh at myself and I hope you can too.

Picture the scene: Basement Stairs.
Characters involved: Cacie, Eric
Props involved: Stair Banister, Dresser, and an Indiana Jones poster with Shia Labeouf as Mutt Williams.

A few months ago, Eric and I had to run late at night to the store. I'm not sure where my mind was but it wasn't focusing on my feet one bit. So, Eric was a step or two near the bottom of the basement stairs and I'm still at the top having only taken one step. And then it happened. I fell down. Actually, I slid down the stairs on my knees. Like a rockstar sliding across the stage, that's how it went. I can make falling down the stairs look cool!

Anyways, I slid almost the whole way down but thankfully I had grabbed the banister so I didn't go totally head first and Eric caught me before I crashed. I simultaneously started giggling and crying when it was done. My mind couldn't decide which emotion was proper so it just did both. Eric was worried I might have broken something but then I asked about my poster. My Shia poster.

See, there's a dresser next to the stairs and it has some junk on it but it also has my Shia poster. As I was falling I knocked it with my arm and it felt like slow motion when I saw it twist and fly through the air. I thought I crushed it. And I was concerned for it's well being. More so than my own. When I asked about it, Eric actually said 'Are you serious?' I think he figured out then that I was okay. In case you were wondering, Shia was fine, he just fell behind the dresser and didn't have one scratch or crease. Thank God!

I only bruised slightly which is really amazing for me. But for the next few weeks whenever I went to go down the stairs my legs would remember and start to feel like Jell-O. But I'm past all that now so it's only a matter of time before I take another trip down my basement stairs.


  1. Oh, a couple of months ago at my house...classic right?

  2. aaaaaahahhahaha haah hahahh aaha haa

    i really AM laughing out loud. ohhhh one of my favorite posts EVER.

    And NOW, all i have to say is:
    You... Me... and Jacob's race many years back. :P
