Thursday, March 19, 2009

Highlights So Far

I'm afraid this might be a fairly boring post. When the only thing I can think of to write entails the highlighting of a week that by no means was anything grand, then you can imagine where this is probably going to go.

Let's talk weather. Yes, weather...because for the past couple of days it has felt like Spring is finally arriving and that is such an uplifting feeling, especially for Eric (No one likes an unhappy man!). This year was an odd one for West Virginia. We didn't get a lot of snow but it was just plain darn cold for what felt like a lifetime. And seriously, if you ask anyone, they'll tell you it wasn't a normal winter. So, sunshine is a highlight of my week!

My book mentor has finished what I've wrote so far and has given me great approval. Far more then I think I deserve. He says I have a natural talent, there is a lot of great reading material, and I should be proud of myself. SO, wow, right? Maybe he's joshing me? Remember, insecurity is my greatest weakness. Anyways, we have a meeting together next Tuesday to discuss some of the technical aspects of the story and I'm sure lots of advice will be given. I'll let you know how it goes....I'm terribly nervous! I want to get his 'okay' before I post his name and publishing company...just in case!

And speaking of my story, I'm starting to adjust to the fact I might have to change my main characters heritage, or birthplace so to say...that's one of the things we're going to discuss!

I'm slightly addicted to Second Life and that's all I'm going to say about that. It's far too embarrassing. Leave me alone.

OH, yesterday I received my acceptance letter to Fairmont State University. Applaud me, I'm awesome! Haha! English Degree here I come! Eric was so sweet because he knew I was worried about not getting in (they do reject people!!!) so he walked it to me, which is about a two mile walk. Just so I'd have it. How great is that? Come on, give the man some props! So, I guess I'm going in the fall...Now the nerves kick in...I've been out of school almost a decade...gosh!

Uh, Twilight comes out on Saturday...!!!!! I have a funny, embarrassing story for you. I'm sitting at the high counter a few days ago, when I hear a familiar song on the TV I associate with Twilight. I immiedately whip my head around, jump to my feet, and run like I was on fire into the living room, where I proceed to happily shriek for a full minute while I watch the first preview of Twilight coming to DVD. I even had to shush Eric because he tried to talk to me during this time of glee. Trust me, you would have been amused!

So, for now there's my highlights of the week. Nothing great, nothing bad. Just a nice normal happy week.

Hope your weeks are full of the same joyful nothingness!

And now, to make my week and maybe your's better....

A KITTEN PICTURE!!! Let's hear the 'Awwwwwwww's'....I mean, look at it! I'm not sure about you, but this made my day! LOOK AT IT! The more I look at it, the more I just want to giggle with pure happiness!!! WOW!!! I'm in love!!


  1. Would you LOOK at how cute that kitten is?!?

  2. omg omg omg... ok so another fav post lol. Would you QUIT being such a great blogger!!?? SHEESH! ahhh i loved this one... so much info on your week! I feel like i am able to be there in your WV life with you! I miss you and this SO helps me cope with the fact that we are miles and miles apart!

    Okay... i love Eric and he is truly wonderful for walking that letter to you. THAT, my friend, is pretty darn romantic i have to say!

    You really made me "lol" again reading this post. I feel like I am right there with you when reading bc you describe everything so perfect. OF COURSE he loved your writings so far! YOU ARE INCREDIBLE! I can't WAAAAIIITTTT to be the FIRST one to purchase a signed copy of your very first publishing! (you BETTER let me have that honor) lol


    p.s. - love the freakin kitty. DEF made me smile from ear to ear and laugh!
