Friday, March 13, 2009

Superstitious Much?

For almost everyone Friday is something of a celebration. An end to a horrendous work week and the beginning of a two day freedom. My 'Friday' technically falls on Saturday and so my weekends are a little off from yours. But all the same, Friday is Friday so we can all relate.

But what made me want to write about this Friday is the fact that we've had two Friday the 13th's in a row. That just isn't that frequent. Maybe two in a year, but never in a row. So, it deserves some recognition.

If you search for Friday the 13th myths and information there are plenty of sites out there with research galore. Trust me, I just looked. Myths ranging from the Bible, to the Norse culture, and to the Knights of Templar's execution. And everything in between. But my favorite by far is this:

"Finally, Emery suggests the number 13 may have an unlucky connotation because of its association with the lunar calendar (there are 13 lunar cycles in a year) and with femininity (women have 13 menstrual cycles in a year)."

Fitting right? I had a good laugh over that one. It figures someone would put the 'bad luck' of Friday the 13th up against a woman's 'time of month'. Makes sense to me, but what does that entail for us this year...with two in a row...Aw shucks we're screwed!

So, Happy Friday the 13th and stay away from the crazies!

For your enjoyment, here's a video that gets Eric and I laughing like hyenas. Hope it starts your weekend off right!

1 comment:

  1. lol lol lol that video omg... lol

    And on a note relating to your post...

    So, the house that we invested in a couple years back, ended up being the house my sis and her hub moved into. Well, we were all kinda freaked out bc we have heard stories of a dead chinese lady that lives in the attick and wants revenge on any owners of the house. I can't remember if we started that story or not, lol, but that's beside the point. There are the LOUDEST, WEIRDEST, ODDEST, STRANGEST, UNUSUAL-EST (trying to get my point across here) noises, footsteps--(no joke ok), cracks and creeks that happen in that house it's so weird. We also discovered that the house is the 13th house down the street, it has a 13 step staircase, and... AND... if you add up the four numbers of the House number in the address, they come to 13!!!

    So, add THAT story to GOOGLE!!!
