Sunday, March 15, 2009

What Makes You Different?

Everyone has their little habits, their own unique quirks and ideas that make them who they are. We are all individuals and of course that's wonderful. Think if we were all the same....Boring!

So, here's some of my mine...

I like using the small silverware. Even if it screams bad manners, I try to use the small salad fork for my meal. So shoot me. They are easier for me to use...I have tiny hands, don't mock!

In the winter I pile so many blankets on my bed that sometimes you can't find me. And I like it that way.

If I'm not careful, I will grow up to be the crazy cat lady.

I love the color combination of black and white. Just check my closet.

I love polka dots. Very much so! Black and white polka dots are even better!

I enjoy hot tea and will drink it year round. Even in the blistering heat of summer.

I am Polish and proud of it.

Hardwood floors make me seriously happy.

I have never done drugs. Ever. Or smoked a cigarette. But yes, sometimes I am curious.

I wish my hair had wavy curls in it, but probably if that was granted, I'd want straight hair again. And I wish my hair was darker. And that it was easier to achieve then through coloring it.

Know how all little girls want a pony? I'm still waiting for mine.

I think my freckles are finally fading. Not when I wanted them to leave, but now that I've grown to like them. But I doubt they would ever go away fully so I'm safe.

I like to keep my toenails painted red. Although, sometimes I slack in the winter because I always have socks on. Sssshhhh, don't tell.

Being the center of attention makes me nervous. But I don't enjoy being ignored either.

I will stop on a busy interstate road and risk my life to save a kitten. Wouldn't be the first time...probably won't be the last.

I am easily amused and entertained. It doesn't take much to make me happy.

I am naive and will believe just about anything. But within reason. If I trust you, you can probably take advantage of this. Please don't!

I don't like my face in glasses. Everyone else does, but I don't understand. Hooray for contacts!

Meeting new people makes me shy. Or I ramble like someone on speed. Nerves!

Thrift stores are fantastic! And yard sales!

I either do it all or nothing at all.

My cell phone is not essential to my happiness.

I wish on stars.

I am so indecisive that at times it hurts. I can't help it. I honestly and truly have a hard time making my mind up. I see all the different sides and outcomes of my decision that it's just not possible for me. I know it's frustrating, tell me about it!

Clowns sort of freak me out. But I don't know why.

Sometimes I talk in my sleep. Or so I'm told.

I dislike being late for anything! I will be early or on time or something is dreadfully wrong. Missing the previews for a movie is unacceptable. It's still too late.

I am a hopeless romantic.

I can not watch horror movies. I'm to much of a sissy. I'll admit it.

I'm afraid of heights and sharks. Thanks Jaws!

One of my greatest weaknesses is insecurity.

I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. But I'm not your typical 'Christian'.

I wish I was an Oscar Mayer Wiener! Okay not really...but I just got the song stuck in your head didn't I?

All right, so that's enough for now. Or at least my mind won't let me have any more information.

Hope your weekend was lovely!

Thanks for reading!


  1. fun fun FUUUNNN!! I LOVED reading that! Seriously... every blog i read i'm like... ok THAT was my fav. haha but this one really WAS! I love learning about my best fried! (people reading this that don't know me are going to think i'm a bad speller.) :) hehe you are my FRIED! lol

    OH. and silverware! GOTTA be the small for me too! I could comment on every one, but i will just take this risk of typical Jodie embarrassment and comment on ONE more... when reading your "I am Polish and proud of it" my FIRST glance and thought was "oh! nail polish! lol what is she gonna say about it!? Then, i thought... "I AM polish?" What does she MEAN? lol....... ttthhhheeeennnnnn my creative little brain noticed the capital "P" and said... ohhhhhhhh wow. I'm glad my thoughts aren't out loud or that would have been really embarrassing. Aahhhh and now, however, i find myself telling the story anyway bc it was too funny to hold in. Are you laughing at me yet? Or rolling your eyes? Ohh Jode Jode Jode.

    Thanks for sticking with me all these years. lol ...LOVE!

  2. p.s. - so i guess that kind of thing is what makes ME "different" hahaha
