Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Story Tone

First off, Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! I happen to be a wee bit Irish so this holiday is a happy one! Kiss me, I'm Irish! Ha!

Today I wanted to talk about music and how it applies to story tone. Totally lost? Don't worry, I know I was the first time I heard it. Let me explain.

A few months ago I finished the Twilight series. Great books, I highly recommend them! Anyways, I was reading up on the author, Stephanie Meyer, and some things she had to say. I found she loved the band Muse so much and that they had given her such inspiration and helped her to 'get in' to her novel tone. She exclusively thanks them in her acknowledgements.

That got me thinking. What kind of music and tone would fit my story? Every song and band I heard I tried my best to envision my story along with them. Nothing fit. Nothing seemed right. Until...

I heard The Fray. Of course, I was already a fan but I hadn't heard their songs for quite some time. I remember Eric and I were in Applebee's and the next song that came on was, 'Look After You', and everything just clicked. I was awed. I could see and feel my story with so much intensity I suddenly understood what Stephanie Meyer had been talking about. I next heard 'You Found Me' and I knew it was The Fray, because I had the same feeling all over again. I had found my story tone.

Every song by The Fray that I have listened to has had the same tone. Possibly the words might not fit but the feel of the music does. If that makes sense to you.

It brings me closer to my story in much more powerful way. It gives my story a voice and it truly is a fabulous feeling for me.

If you're curious I provided some links to the two songs mentioned above. I hope you enjoy them and envision my story along with them!

This one you have to copy and paste, I wasn't able to find a video that wasn't embedded, but I'm sure you won't mind:


  1. I don't know them but from the song above I totally agree. It is the type of film soundtrack I have playing in my head as I read it. That is also one of the things I really like about Stephanie Meyer, that another writer would make playlists to go with her chapters is great. I actually have not read Twilight yet but plan on it, I'm to hooked on this other story right now...wink wink!

  2. Oh, you must read Twilight :) You will not want to see the light of day throughout the whole course of reading them. Trust me, I know this from experience! Haha! But yes, I love the idea of playlists for a story! And I'm glad you think the tone fits the story! Makes me feel good to know I'm on the right track :) Haha, now how is that other story you're reading? Any good? :)

  3. i SO get you. i love it. we are in tune. you might say... we are in "tune-tone" hahahahaha i crack myself up.

    When listening to the music i could envision your thoughts and story and i loved it. I love your mind and how musically-thoughtfully-interestingly-creatively-adoringly artsy you are. Never let that go!
