Saturday, June 20, 2009

Stroke Of Luck!

Well I am pretty darn excited right now! Why, you ask? Let me tell you a little story....

This happened roughly an hour or so ago just in case you were wondering the time frame. I had just dropped Eric off at work and was driving home, flipping through the radio stations trying to find a decent song to listen to. Well, we have a rock station here that always seems to be giving freebies away (Yes, same radio station where Eric won free movie passes), so I left it on there for the time being, you know trying to be the responsible driver and all.

WELL...the DJ comes on the air and says something along the lines as 'We have midnight movie passes to give away for Transformers 2. Be caller number 10'. Now remember, I am currently driving and I would never suggest someone following what I did, which is search frantically for the phone, try and dial the number, and basically forget you are behind the wheel. Do NOT do that, ever! Okay? Okay...

SO, I call the number and it rings. Busy. I call the number again. Busy. I call the number again...

AND I WON the tickets!! I was actually caller number 10! I was so nervous but I knew he wouldn't put me on the air because anyone could go into the theater and say you're 'that' person who won. So, I was not as nervous as I could have been!

BUT I WON! I mean, that's awesome! Now, granted I don't try and try and try to win things but I have tried before and never won anything...So, out of anything for me to actually win....I win free tickets to see Transformers 2 starring my one and only, Shia Labeouf! Fate, destiny, whatever you want to call it was definitely on my side! No question about it! I mean, Shia must have been sending me his good energy or something...Haha, but no seriously, it's pretty cool, right? Out of all the movies, out of all the times we've tried...I win this one all by myself!

Yes, Shia was on my side!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Celebrate Good Times!

I happened to reach a milestone over the past weekend and I believe it is a time for celebration!

I have written the first 50,000 words in my first novel!

That's right! I hear your applause and I thank you so much! I really am thrilled and tickled by this accomplishment! I can not even begin to tell you how good a feeling it it is one of the best feelings in the world!

It is by no means a cocky exclamation but I am very proud and I would have to say this is the proudest I've been of anything I have ever done in my life. My novel is, in my opinion, my greatest accomplishment to date.

For me, nothing gives me more satisfaction and joy then when I am writing. I hope one day I can be called a published author, but for now, I'm perfectly happy falling in love with words and helping my characters tell their story. A day filled with writing is a day filled with the greatest love.

And for the first time I actually can see the end...Oh, it's still miles away, trust me, but I can sort of see the path it's heading and it honestly gives me the 'butterflies in stomach' feeling and 'roller coaster drop' feeling. I just feel plain AWESOME!

Well, I wanted to update everyone on my story status and for the few people who are kind enough to be my 'readers' and to give me their thoughts and ideas, I truly, with all my heart appreciate you so very much! I hope you know how much it means to me and keeps me inspired and assured I'm not a complete bonehead. I hope you would tell me if you think I suck, and you have yet to do that, so maybe this means I'm on the right track. I value your opinions so by all means, keep them coming!

Love you ALL. As always, thanks for reading!


P.S. If truth be known, I am now over 60,000 words...I know, I know, I ROCK!

Friday, June 12, 2009

The Best Gift Ever!

This is a completely random post and I had no plans to sit down and blog BUT...

Let me tell you a little story that just happened in my life...

My fantastic, lovely cousin Kate asked me for my address a few weeks ago. She only told me she would be sending me something that I would need by the 24th of June, and after some thought processes I determined in my mind that it would be Shia Labeouf/Transformers 2 related, as that is when the movie is being released. Granted, I wasn't sure what I was being sent so I just held my breath...

Until tonight. Tonight I was gifted with possibly the best present ever!

I forgot to check the mail until late so I get this little brown manila envelope and I see it's from Kate. I start getting those incredible excited vibes and I cut the top off and there's this pink tissue paper wrapped item. I unwrap the pink tissue paper and there's a flower tin. I open the flower tin and there's yellow tissue paper which I unfold and...

There inside is a Shia Labeouf charm bracelet. A braclet with 18 (yes I counted) different tiny pictures of Shia all colored and shiny and perfect! I laughed so hard and so long and so ridiculously loud my sides started to hurt! This has made my freaking year! I'm amazed at the joy a simple object can bring to someone, and this simple object almost had me crying with laugher!

So, thank you Kate! Thank you very much! Even though the miles are between us, you know my heart and my desires and that involves Shia Labeouf.

Call me what you may but I love my bracelet. Eric asked me if I was going to wear it. The answer is yes people. Yes, I plan to wear my Shia Labeouf charm bracelet.

See, even Shia is excited about the news...

P.S. I swear I'm sane. I swear! Obviously you're seeing firsthand what Shia Labeouf does to me. It's not my fault.

P.S.S. Shia's birthday was yesterday...Happy Birthday Lover Boy!

P.S.S.S. I swear I'm sane. Let me have my fun!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Long Awaited Return

I know I know! I have no excuse for my horrific absent as of late! I ask for your forgiveness and never ending love and pray you haven't totally given up on me!

I will grovel, but I'd rather not...unless that amuses you and then I might reconsider being nice to you. Your choice. Up to you.

To get back in the groove of the blogging fool I am, I questioned what I should write about and I came up with movies. Who doesn't love movies? I love movies. I love movies probably on a very unhealthy obsessive level. So, I've seen some pretty good ones over the last month and I thought how fun it would be to recap them.

'Star Trek'! Oh Boy! This was truly a fantastic movie! If you haven't seen it already, shame on you!

So, I went into Star Trek really not knowing much about it. I had the regular 'Trekkie' knowledge. I mean, I could hold my own, I could follow fairly well, but certainly don't test me on it. Let's just say by the end of the movie, I was squirming with excitement and a possibly disturbing crush on Spock. Actually, all of the actors did a fantastic job and I loved every one's characters. I laughed, I cried (Yes, I cried! First scene...You know, when Kirk's father gives his life for his wife and son! Oh my Gosh! I was a wreck so shush! Don't judge!), and I just had a good time!

Let's talk about Spock for a second. The actor who plays him, Zachary Quinto, did an amazing job and I hope he's proud of portraying Spock so well. Now...I mentioned a crush....What is it? Is it the ears? The voice? The stature? Please, someone tell me! BUT, I know I am not alone in this. I have found two people who acknowledge the magic of those dang Spock ears. They must have some magnetized power in them of some sort. I asked Eric if he thought I was crazy if I said I thought Spock was hot. So, he thinks I'm crazy! Anyways, when I walked out of the theater I was doing the 'Live Long and Prosper' hand sign for the whole ride home. And the next day. And the next. It takes practice, it really does. My fingers did not want to move the way I wanted them too so the first day or two I just looked really ridiculous. I'm not sure I would make Spock proud now with my portrayal but I make up for it with giddy effort and hysterical laughter.

Now we move onto 'Drag Me To Hell'!!!! Ha, now I know if you know me you're wondering what on Earth was I thinking going and seeing this movie! Trust me, I had those same thoughts...For those of you who aren't aware of this, I am the worst horror film watcher! Basically I just don't watch them. Ever! As in, maybe one in like five years. I hate this about me, I wish I had the guts but I have to admit I am a sissy and they scare me too bad. I can't help it. I really enjoy my alone time and I have a vivid imagination and well, it gets to me and I end up scaring the bejesus out of me. I try, I'm just...I'm a wuss....OK!

BUT...For some reason I really really wanted to see this movie. Well, I know the reason. I love love love Alison Lohman and she hasn't done a movie in a while and she looked so beautiful and I just had to watch it. And it was only rated PG-13. How scary could it really be? And people had said it had some humor! So, I thought I could handle it. I wanted to handle it. I wanted to be a brave girl! These were my reasons and I am so proud to say I loved it! Yes, it was jumpy and slightly creepy and I hid my eyes a few times (lots of times!) but I wasn't scared and I am perfectly fine being home alone and going in my basement alone. Yes, I'm proud and you should be too!

Two things I did not enjoy in the movie. If you haven't watched it...Spoiler alert! She killed her kitten! What the hell? I mean, really? You had to kill a little kitten??? So not cool! And two... really, she had to go to hell? She really had to be dragged to hell? There was no way to work around that? I didn't like that...she shouldn't have gone to hell. But they didn't ask my opinion so they obviously got it all wrong! But all in all I loved it. Loved it!!!

Let's see...What else? Eric won free midnight movie passes to see either 'The Hangover' or 'Land of the Lost'. We chose 'Land of the Lost' and we got free popcorn and drinks! Score! We felt very privileged and popular! It was weird going to see a movie at midnight on a work night but it was still cool, mostly because it was all free. The movie was...well, good I suppose. It was funny as only a Will Ferrell movie can be and I recommend it but I won't rave on it as I did 'Star Trek' and 'Drag Me To Hell'.

So, there, those were my intelligent, ridiculous views and I hope you enjoyed them and take them with a grain of humorous salt. I have missed you greatly! I promise, cross my heart and hope to die, more will come soon!!

P.S. On a movie note...Transformers 2 is coming SOON and I can barely breathe! Shia Labeouf!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Litte Snow Never Hurt Anyone

This morning I woke up to snow. Yes snow. I guess I shouldn't be so surprised but I still have Florida blood in my veins and seeing all 'that white stuff' on the ground in April still makes me confused.

It has all melted by now but it was a beautiful, windy scene this morning. I was standing in front of the kitchen window and we have a red berry tree off to the side (I have no idea what kind of berry tree but I love it) and there was the contrast of white on red and it was such a lovely sight. I stood there for a few minutes and just watched, awed.

Right now there are just a few flurries but the wind is out and they appear to be dancing through the air. I'm wasting time watching them swirl through the windows at work.

I think I'm finding it so beautiful because I know that soon it will all be over with and the snow won't return until winter. Still, cleaning my car off this morning wasn't that great...I have a love, hate relationship with it I guess. But really, who doesn't? After so many months of the same weather, you want a change but then when you do get the change you want what you once had.

Oh, humanity is a funny thing. Ha!

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Please Don't...Play Nice!

So, it's April Fool's Day...

I'm not crazy about this day. This day is not good to me. I am not a fan of April 1st. Luckily, most people don't remember to take advantage of this day (except when I remind them such as now...I'm awesomely stupid) so the odds are on my side. And I'm halfway through my day and nobody has 'punked' me. So...Woo...??...The day still isn't over...

If you're a little on the slow side (and I mean no offence, I'm sometimes slow too so I understand), then I'll spell it out for you why I dislike April Fool's Day. Because I'm incredibly easy to deceive! What? I am! If you want to call me naive, I suppose that's fair. I say I'm too trusting. I believe in the good of people and therefore what they say I will believe in as well. However, I'm not so naive as to fail to notice that there are many people who are just plain mean, hateful, and will take advantage of you. And hopefully I steer clear of those kinds of people. Hopefully!

Anyways, I apologize for my absent of late...I'm going to blame it on the ever popular 'writer's block'. I wanted to amaze you with witty topics and no such topics were entering my mind therefore I was silent. For my kind friends who requested more, more please, this is for you. You are seriously the best!

So, a few weeks ago I came across some earrings a customer makes. But not just any earrings. Guitar pick earrings!! Can I hear a sweet?? I mean, these are classy guitar pick earrings. All colors, all kinds, and really fantastic. Very beautiful if you can imagine. Some were incredible, and dressy, and just...I fell in love and bought three. And I have plans to purchase more. Do I have the money? No. Not at all. Do I care? No. Not at all. Should I? Eh, let's not go there.

I found another band for my story tone. Kings of Leon. Sigh. I might be in love with them. I might do a blog on them...but know they are wonderful and you should listen and love and learn. I will come to your house and force you if I must. I will do what I can. And you might not like it.'s the end of the day (yes it's taken me all day to write this, I've been busy so shush) and I've made it! I'll do a happy dance when I finish this. Or maybe not...probably not....but in my head...totally dancing!

Thanks for being patient! I love you!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Oh Queen, What You Do To Me

I was driving to work this morning and Queen's song 'Somebody to Love' came on the radio seconds after I had started the car. When alone, Queen can get me blaring my lungs like my life depends on it, so that's exactly what I did. Actually, many bands can get me like that, but right now this is a Queen story....

So, everyone knows I do have somebody to love (Aw, Eric), but towards the end of the song I surprised myself by tearing up. Actual moisture in my eyes! What the heck? It took me a moment to realize what was happening...then I had to laugh at myself...who cries at Queen songs? Oh, right...I do! Haha!

Little hopeless romantic Cacie...

But seriously, who doesn't love love? I know I'm not the only one out there!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Highlights So Far

I'm afraid this might be a fairly boring post. When the only thing I can think of to write entails the highlighting of a week that by no means was anything grand, then you can imagine where this is probably going to go.

Let's talk weather. Yes, weather...because for the past couple of days it has felt like Spring is finally arriving and that is such an uplifting feeling, especially for Eric (No one likes an unhappy man!). This year was an odd one for West Virginia. We didn't get a lot of snow but it was just plain darn cold for what felt like a lifetime. And seriously, if you ask anyone, they'll tell you it wasn't a normal winter. So, sunshine is a highlight of my week!

My book mentor has finished what I've wrote so far and has given me great approval. Far more then I think I deserve. He says I have a natural talent, there is a lot of great reading material, and I should be proud of myself. SO, wow, right? Maybe he's joshing me? Remember, insecurity is my greatest weakness. Anyways, we have a meeting together next Tuesday to discuss some of the technical aspects of the story and I'm sure lots of advice will be given. I'll let you know how it goes....I'm terribly nervous! I want to get his 'okay' before I post his name and publishing company...just in case!

And speaking of my story, I'm starting to adjust to the fact I might have to change my main characters heritage, or birthplace so to say...that's one of the things we're going to discuss!

I'm slightly addicted to Second Life and that's all I'm going to say about that. It's far too embarrassing. Leave me alone.

OH, yesterday I received my acceptance letter to Fairmont State University. Applaud me, I'm awesome! Haha! English Degree here I come! Eric was so sweet because he knew I was worried about not getting in (they do reject people!!!) so he walked it to me, which is about a two mile walk. Just so I'd have it. How great is that? Come on, give the man some props! So, I guess I'm going in the fall...Now the nerves kick in...I've been out of school almost a decade...gosh!

Uh, Twilight comes out on Saturday...!!!!! I have a funny, embarrassing story for you. I'm sitting at the high counter a few days ago, when I hear a familiar song on the TV I associate with Twilight. I immiedately whip my head around, jump to my feet, and run like I was on fire into the living room, where I proceed to happily shriek for a full minute while I watch the first preview of Twilight coming to DVD. I even had to shush Eric because he tried to talk to me during this time of glee. Trust me, you would have been amused!

So, for now there's my highlights of the week. Nothing great, nothing bad. Just a nice normal happy week.

Hope your weeks are full of the same joyful nothingness!

And now, to make my week and maybe your's better....

A KITTEN PICTURE!!! Let's hear the 'Awwwwwwww's'....I mean, look at it! I'm not sure about you, but this made my day! LOOK AT IT! The more I look at it, the more I just want to giggle with pure happiness!!! WOW!!! I'm in love!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Story Tone

First off, Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! I happen to be a wee bit Irish so this holiday is a happy one! Kiss me, I'm Irish! Ha!

Today I wanted to talk about music and how it applies to story tone. Totally lost? Don't worry, I know I was the first time I heard it. Let me explain.

A few months ago I finished the Twilight series. Great books, I highly recommend them! Anyways, I was reading up on the author, Stephanie Meyer, and some things she had to say. I found she loved the band Muse so much and that they had given her such inspiration and helped her to 'get in' to her novel tone. She exclusively thanks them in her acknowledgements.

That got me thinking. What kind of music and tone would fit my story? Every song and band I heard I tried my best to envision my story along with them. Nothing fit. Nothing seemed right. Until...

I heard The Fray. Of course, I was already a fan but I hadn't heard their songs for quite some time. I remember Eric and I were in Applebee's and the next song that came on was, 'Look After You', and everything just clicked. I was awed. I could see and feel my story with so much intensity I suddenly understood what Stephanie Meyer had been talking about. I next heard 'You Found Me' and I knew it was The Fray, because I had the same feeling all over again. I had found my story tone.

Every song by The Fray that I have listened to has had the same tone. Possibly the words might not fit but the feel of the music does. If that makes sense to you.

It brings me closer to my story in much more powerful way. It gives my story a voice and it truly is a fabulous feeling for me.

If you're curious I provided some links to the two songs mentioned above. I hope you enjoy them and envision my story along with them!

This one you have to copy and paste, I wasn't able to find a video that wasn't embedded, but I'm sure you won't mind:

Sunday, March 15, 2009

What Makes You Different?

Everyone has their little habits, their own unique quirks and ideas that make them who they are. We are all individuals and of course that's wonderful. Think if we were all the same....Boring!

So, here's some of my mine...

I like using the small silverware. Even if it screams bad manners, I try to use the small salad fork for my meal. So shoot me. They are easier for me to use...I have tiny hands, don't mock!

In the winter I pile so many blankets on my bed that sometimes you can't find me. And I like it that way.

If I'm not careful, I will grow up to be the crazy cat lady.

I love the color combination of black and white. Just check my closet.

I love polka dots. Very much so! Black and white polka dots are even better!

I enjoy hot tea and will drink it year round. Even in the blistering heat of summer.

I am Polish and proud of it.

Hardwood floors make me seriously happy.

I have never done drugs. Ever. Or smoked a cigarette. But yes, sometimes I am curious.

I wish my hair had wavy curls in it, but probably if that was granted, I'd want straight hair again. And I wish my hair was darker. And that it was easier to achieve then through coloring it.

Know how all little girls want a pony? I'm still waiting for mine.

I think my freckles are finally fading. Not when I wanted them to leave, but now that I've grown to like them. But I doubt they would ever go away fully so I'm safe.

I like to keep my toenails painted red. Although, sometimes I slack in the winter because I always have socks on. Sssshhhh, don't tell.

Being the center of attention makes me nervous. But I don't enjoy being ignored either.

I will stop on a busy interstate road and risk my life to save a kitten. Wouldn't be the first time...probably won't be the last.

I am easily amused and entertained. It doesn't take much to make me happy.

I am naive and will believe just about anything. But within reason. If I trust you, you can probably take advantage of this. Please don't!

I don't like my face in glasses. Everyone else does, but I don't understand. Hooray for contacts!

Meeting new people makes me shy. Or I ramble like someone on speed. Nerves!

Thrift stores are fantastic! And yard sales!

I either do it all or nothing at all.

My cell phone is not essential to my happiness.

I wish on stars.

I am so indecisive that at times it hurts. I can't help it. I honestly and truly have a hard time making my mind up. I see all the different sides and outcomes of my decision that it's just not possible for me. I know it's frustrating, tell me about it!

Clowns sort of freak me out. But I don't know why.

Sometimes I talk in my sleep. Or so I'm told.

I dislike being late for anything! I will be early or on time or something is dreadfully wrong. Missing the previews for a movie is unacceptable. It's still too late.

I am a hopeless romantic.

I can not watch horror movies. I'm to much of a sissy. I'll admit it.

I'm afraid of heights and sharks. Thanks Jaws!

One of my greatest weaknesses is insecurity.

I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. But I'm not your typical 'Christian'.

I wish I was an Oscar Mayer Wiener! Okay not really...but I just got the song stuck in your head didn't I?

All right, so that's enough for now. Or at least my mind won't let me have any more information.

Hope your weekend was lovely!

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Maybe Not So Random Pic Of The Day!

Okay, so I'm not going to lie to you...

This picture isn't for you at's just for me....I just wanted to view it every time I came to my blog....I'm selfish that way!

But I'll let you enjoy it! Fair compromise?

The colors and artistic nature of this picture really got to me. Well, Shia's not so bad either...but seriously, I love the tone and depth of the photo. There's more to it then meets the eye. Just look a little deeper...

Shia Labeouf everybody!!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Superstitious Much?

For almost everyone Friday is something of a celebration. An end to a horrendous work week and the beginning of a two day freedom. My 'Friday' technically falls on Saturday and so my weekends are a little off from yours. But all the same, Friday is Friday so we can all relate.

But what made me want to write about this Friday is the fact that we've had two Friday the 13th's in a row. That just isn't that frequent. Maybe two in a year, but never in a row. So, it deserves some recognition.

If you search for Friday the 13th myths and information there are plenty of sites out there with research galore. Trust me, I just looked. Myths ranging from the Bible, to the Norse culture, and to the Knights of Templar's execution. And everything in between. But my favorite by far is this:

"Finally, Emery suggests the number 13 may have an unlucky connotation because of its association with the lunar calendar (there are 13 lunar cycles in a year) and with femininity (women have 13 menstrual cycles in a year)."

Fitting right? I had a good laugh over that one. It figures someone would put the 'bad luck' of Friday the 13th up against a woman's 'time of month'. Makes sense to me, but what does that entail for us this year...with two in a row...Aw shucks we're screwed!

So, Happy Friday the 13th and stay away from the crazies!

For your enjoyment, here's a video that gets Eric and I laughing like hyenas. Hope it starts your weekend off right!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Going, Going, Gone!

I am one of those people who truly and honestly can not help but laugh when someone trips or falls (unless they're seriously hurt, then I can hold it in).

If I have ever laughed at your expense, I apologize but there was nothing I could do. Hopefully, you won't mind if I got a kick out of your embarrassment. But to be fair, I'll offer up a story of my own doing. As embarrassing as it was, I still can laugh at myself and I hope you can too.

Picture the scene: Basement Stairs.
Characters involved: Cacie, Eric
Props involved: Stair Banister, Dresser, and an Indiana Jones poster with Shia Labeouf as Mutt Williams.

A few months ago, Eric and I had to run late at night to the store. I'm not sure where my mind was but it wasn't focusing on my feet one bit. So, Eric was a step or two near the bottom of the basement stairs and I'm still at the top having only taken one step. And then it happened. I fell down. Actually, I slid down the stairs on my knees. Like a rockstar sliding across the stage, that's how it went. I can make falling down the stairs look cool!

Anyways, I slid almost the whole way down but thankfully I had grabbed the banister so I didn't go totally head first and Eric caught me before I crashed. I simultaneously started giggling and crying when it was done. My mind couldn't decide which emotion was proper so it just did both. Eric was worried I might have broken something but then I asked about my poster. My Shia poster.

See, there's a dresser next to the stairs and it has some junk on it but it also has my Shia poster. As I was falling I knocked it with my arm and it felt like slow motion when I saw it twist and fly through the air. I thought I crushed it. And I was concerned for it's well being. More so than my own. When I asked about it, Eric actually said 'Are you serious?' I think he figured out then that I was okay. In case you were wondering, Shia was fine, he just fell behind the dresser and didn't have one scratch or crease. Thank God!

I only bruised slightly which is really amazing for me. But for the next few weeks whenever I went to go down the stairs my legs would remember and start to feel like Jell-O. But I'm past all that now so it's only a matter of time before I take another trip down my basement stairs.

Hey Mr. Tambourine Man

I thought it would be fun, at least for me, to let everyone know what music or CD was getting plenty of play time in my stereo. So, for the time being....

Let's talk about Bob Dylan. You all know Bob Dylan, and if you don't you were born under a rock and/or raised by wolves. Obviously, I wasn't born when he came on the scene, but thankfully his music will always live on where people like me can try and sing along.

Even this should impress you if you aren't crazy about him. Over the span of forty six years, he has released forty four albums and written over five hundred songs. I mean, that deserves at least a 'Holy Cow' from some of you. And something else I learned, which is probably common knowledge but apparently I was born under a rock for this one...He's an artist too!

He does it all! Play guitar, harmonica, and piano. Amazing poet! This man is a serious over achiever, don't you think? I'm not complaining but does the man ever sleep? What, the guy is nearing seventy and he's doing an European Tour! I salute him! I hope I have near that much energy and stamina when I'm older.

And I don't know what it is, but he's made the harmonica sexy. Maybe it's just me, maybe it's because I've always had a thing for skinny, odd looking musicians (no offence Eric), but wow, what an attraction.

Now for your enjoyment: Sing along with me...

Mr. Tambourine Man

Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me,
I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to.
Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me,
In the jingle jangle morning I'll come followin' you.

Though I know that evenin's empire has returned into sand,
Vanished from my hand,
Left me blindly here to stand but still not sleeping.
My weariness amazes me, I'm branded on my feet,
I have no one to meet
And the ancient empty street's too dead for dreaming.

Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me,
I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to.
Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me,
In the jingle jangle morning I'll come followin' you.

Take me on a trip upon your magic swirlin' ship,
My senses have been stripped, my hands can't feel to grip,
My toes too numb to step, wait only for my boot heels
To be wanderin'.
I'm ready to go anywhere, I'm ready for to fade
Into my own parade, cast your dancing spell my way,
I promise to go under it.

Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me,
I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to.
Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me,
In the jingle jangle morning I'll come followin' you.

Though you might hear laughin', spinnin', swingin' madly across the sun,
It's not aimed at anyone, it's just escapin' on the run
And but for the sky there are no fences facin'.
And if you hear vague traces of skippin' reels of rhyme
To your tambourine in time, it's just a ragged clown behind,
I wouldn't pay it any mind, it's just a shadow you're
Seein' that he's chasing.

Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me,
I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to.
Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me,
In the jingle jangle morning I'll come followin' you.

Then take me disappearin' through the smoke rings of my mind,
Down the foggy ruins of time, far past the frozen leaves,
The haunted, frightened trees, out to the windy beach,
Far from the twisted reach of crazy sorrow.
Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free,
Silhouetted by the sea, circled by the circus sands,
With all memory and fate driven deep beneath the waves,
Let me forget about today until tomorrow.

Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me,
I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to.
Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me,
In the jingle jangle morning I'll come followin' you.

Copyright ©1964; renewed 1992 Special Rider Music

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

So Many Books, So Little Time

The joys of being a book nerd are endless, far stretching and easily humored.

Take for instance my new habit. On Saturday after work, Eric and I drive up to Morgantown to Barnes & Noble and spend countless hours perusing their books, coffee, and music. Eric heads straight for the White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake and I browse the magazines first because they're eye catching and close enough to steal a bite of cheesecake. And it's so much darn fun it's like waiting for Christmas to arrive! It started on Valentine's Day, I mean how symbolic is that? One week we even went up twice and I have a feeling if it was in town, we'd probably spend most of our lives there.

If you love books I know you'd understand. If like my brother, you do not, the idea of spending any amount of time in a bookstore is pure torture! Which I can't fanthom, so I'm not going there.

Just walking into a bookstore is a thrill. Books have a certain smell and energy to them and I'm not sure I can describe it, but it gets right to your core and makes your brain all strung out with a love of words on paper. If there's a coffee shop in the store, then by all means, one is screwed. There's no going back. That is unless you dislike the smell or taste of coffee and I feel bad for you. Last Saturday, I got a latte and I had to tell Eric how 'chic' it felt. I felt like a book snob and that's all right to be. So long as it doesn't go to your head and you think what you read and write is superb to everyone elses. Don't be like that, nobody likes that kind of snob.

Here in my town, there's a great little bookstore. It used to be an old house because when you walk in you're greeted with old, worn hardwood floors and beautiful crown molding. The first floor holds the newer books and although that is nice, the treasure is on the second floor. There's like four rooms of used books for a decent price! It was like a choir of angels singing the first time we went up there. Last week I found a French dictionary from 1903 and I wasn't able to get it that day, but I was craving it so badly, I finally had to have it. All books deserve good homes. They need someone who loves them and cares about their well being. I was so happy with my new book I hugged it to me the whole ride home.

One day when we went Eric found a book he used to own but had lost in a horrible move. He was shocked to find it was the exact same one, only it was many years later. I mean, seriously, how cool is that? It's like the lost puppy who found his home again.

I only wish I could adopt all the books I love. They stare at me through the window with sad, lonely eyes.

Don't throw out your books. Donate them to people who need them. Heck, donate them to me. And go visit your local bookstore. Read them. Love them. Cherish them. They can become your new best friend.

So, I've clearly established myself as the book nerd I am. And that is perfectly fine with me and I'm already longing for my next bookstore!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Inquiring Minds Want to Know...

So, this is my first blog post. Exciting right?

Actually, add a tad of terrified, an ounce of uncertainty, a dash of curiosity, and then mix all those ingredients with the excitement and that explains it a little better. I feel like I should make it the best it can be but that's always asking a bit much so we'll just see how it all pans out.

You might be wondering why the blog address is what is is. Good question. I just so happen to have the answer at hand. The Bleeding Heart Yard. Maybe to you it sounds morbid and/or disgusting. I thought it sounded poetic, beautiful, and all in all a perfect description for what I was trying to tell.

I thought the legend of The Bleeding Heart Yard was truly interesting.

The Legend
Lady Elizabeth Hatton was the toast of 17th Century London society. The widowed daughter-in-law of the famous merchant Sir Christopher Hatton (one-time consort of Queen Elizabeth 1), Lady Elizabeth was young, beautiful and very wealthy. Her suitors were many and varied, and included a leading London Bishop and a prominent European Ambassador. Invitations to her soirees in Hatton Garden were much sought after.

Her Annual Winter Ball, on January 26, 1662, was one of the highlights of the London social season. Halfway through the evening's festivities, the doors to Lady Hatton's grand ballroom were flung open. In strode a swarthy gentleman, slightly hunched of shoulder, with a clawed right hand. He took her by the hand, danced her once around the room and out through the double doors into the garden. A buzz of gossip arose. Would Lady Elizabeth and the European Ambassador (for it was he) kiss and make up, or would she return alone? Neither was to be. The next morning her body was found in the cobblestone courtyard – torn limb from limb, with her heart still pumping blood onto the cobblestones. And from thenceforth the yard was to be known as The Bleeding Heart Yard.

And there's another theory about how The Bleeding Heart Yard came to be named:

Trey Philpotts of the University of Delaware writes that the courtyard is, in fact, named after a sign dating back to the Reformation that was displayed on a pub called the Bleeding Heart in nearby Charles Street. The sign showed the heart of the Virgin Mary pierced by five swords.

So, your first history lesson went well I hope. Anyways, forgive my lame attempt at humor.

I'll try again tomorrow!